Economic Advisory

Fiscal Policy

Governments’ commitment to fiscal laws is intrinsically linked with a sound macroeconomic environment. Our partners are well versed in advising governments on prudent revenue mobilization and expenditure rationalization to keep budget deficits at acceptable limits.

With high public debt profile of Sub-Sahara African countries, our partners offer advisory services to help countries take advantage of policies by Bretton Woods Institutions, African Development Bank and other multilateral agencies to break the debt cycle.

Monetary Policy

The Central Banks of countries are mandated to use monetary policy tools to foster price stability in the economy. Our team of experts are well-versed in critically analyzing how these tools affect the business and investment community.

Economic Diplomacy

The future of diplomacy is economic diplomacy. With countries exploring the use of economic diplomacy tools to propel development, our experts are poised to assist governments and multinational corporations use this tool effectively.

International Trade

The positive correlation between international trade and development cannot be overemphasized in the 21st century. Our clientele includes governments and inter-governmental organizations where we deliver top-notch research work on how countries can fully participate in international trade to reap the gains thereof. In particular, our team of experts are better placed to offer consultancy services to governments, businesses and other stakeholders on the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).